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League of Women Voters of California  

Members Only

Please visit the new LWVC Members Only site here: https://my.lwv.org/california/lwvc-members-only

Managing Your League

Forms and Due Dates
Per Member Payment (PMP) is $28 in FY 2017-18 and FY 2018-19 to LWVC
Regional Events: training, forums etc. for local Leagues to attend & promote IMPORTANT
2018-2019 Resource Directory
LWVC Publications and LWVC Store
we recommend you sign up for
Local League government filings guidelinesPDF File.  Click to download Adobe Acrobat Reader. (IRS, Franchise Tax Board, etc.)
Fundraising: IRS requirements for thanking donors and LWVC/LWVUS fundraising calendar
501(c)3 Tax Status Conversion Information
Local League Model Bylaws in Word and PDF
PDF File.  Click to download Adobe Acrobat Reader. UPDATED and additional samples for 501c3 here
Program Planning Kit
Membership and Leadership Development
LWVUS Membership and Leadership Development web pages
LWVUS Local League Membership Brochure purchase them online
Messages and Values handout
Basics handout
Asset Survey worksheet
Event Planning Sample Checklist and Blank Checklist
Workplan worksheet
Contract expectations and roles
Action Resources: Tools for League Advocacy and LWVUS action page
Elections upcoming, past, and "evergreen" (content that is good for every election)
Bills of Interest for the 2019-20 legislative session: This report includes bills being “followed” by the League, on which no formal position of support or opposition has been taken, as well as bills on which the LWVC has taken a position and recommends action.
Discussion (Yahoo, Google) Groups for all members: Advocacy, Program Planning and many others by topic
Legislative Interview Kit 2018-2019, and report form as a survey online NEW
"Ask Before You Sign" caution about petitions, in PDF PDF File.  Click to download Adobe Acrobat Reader. and Word
Make It Fair: Commercial Property Tax Reform
      October 2015 Status Update PDF File.  Click to download Adobe Acrobat Reader.
League Advocacy on Money in Politics in 2015 PDF File.  Click to download Adobe Acrobat Reader. and March Comments on Legislation PDF File.  Click to download Adobe Acrobat Reader.
No League Position or Action on the Voters' Right to Know Act Initiative
Citizens United Memo: remember we do not support constitutional amendment
Money in Politics: Action and Resources
Health Care: read our memo and speak with one voice! LWVUS statement for your use.
OneJustice: your local League is invited to get involved
Community Education
Promote the Guide to California Government 16th Edition:
Communications & Outreach Toolkit (including images to use) and Bulk Order Form
Money in Politics Grants to Local Leagues application
Redistricting press release and talking points - see July 2011 Update instructions
How Can I Participate In Redistricting: contact redistricting@lwvc.org
Redistricting Resources: members only page for community education!
Studies and Concurrence
LWVUS Agriculture Study
Higher Ed Study Materials and Leaders Guide
LWVUS Money in Politics Study: CA Campaign Finance Regulations Report for Local League Use
LWVC Public Higher Ed Study Yahoo Group
Studies and Concurrence help, guides, and past studies
Voter Service
CAvotes.org | EasyVoterGuide.org | SmartVoter.org
SmartVoter/MapLight Partnership Communications

- INTERNAL: VotersEdge partnership update, post-election update to CoCos, Leadership Council presentation (PPT)
- EXTERNAL: SmartVoter annual report, VotersEdge API press release, VotersEdge FAQ for candidates PDF File.  Click to download Adobe Acrobat Reader., VotersEdge joint press release PDF File.  Click to download Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Elections past and "evergreen" (content that is good for every election) IMPORTANT
Jobs you can volunteer for in voter service
Voter Service Yahoo Group (open to all members): SpeakerSource IMPORTANT
Voter Registration Drive information on CAvotes.org
2014 Voter Service Survey Results
- Part I: Summary report of all survey responses
- Part II: Individual responses to open-ended questions
State Board and Organization
Board Orientation Information NEW
Future agenda items NEW
Board meetings 2019: Aug 3-4, Mar 16-17
Board meetings 2018: Dec 1-2, Sept 22, Aug 4-5, May 19-20, Mar 3-4
Past board meetings 2017: Dec 9-10, Sept 23-24, July 29-30, June 1, Mar 25-26, Feb 12
Past board meetings 2016: Dec 3-4, Sept 24-25, July 22-24, May 14-15, Mar 19-20, Jan 30-31
Past board meetings 2015: Sept 19-21, Aug 8-9, May 13, Mar 21-22, Jan 10-11
Past board meetings 2014: Sept 27-28, July 25-27, May 16, Mar 22-23, Jan 11-12
Past board meetings 2013: Sept 28-29, July 20-22, May16, Mar 23-24, Jan 12-13
Past board meetings 2012: Nov 10-11, Sept 8-9, July 21-23, May 18, March 3-4, Jan 28-30
Past board meetings 2011: Nov 12-13, Sept 10-11, July 9-11
Board, staff, local League, and other state leader contact information is on our public web site
Finance Training (January 2014 board meeting) videos, handouts, slides
California BylawsPDF File.  Click to download Adobe Acrobat Reader. with procedures and online form to submit proposed changes (PDF version) UPDATED 6/2019
LWV California Articles of Incorporation (1983)
LWVCEF Bylaws PDF File.  Click to download Adobe Acrobat Reader.
LWVC Policies and Procedures (revised March 2019) UPDATED
Nominations to the State Board
California Voter Newsletter Archive is now an electronic monthly e-newslette:Sign up here

Tool Box
Brown Act: Open and Public IV PDF File.  Click to download Adobe Acrobat Reader. (League of CA Cities)
The People's Business: a Guide to the Public Records Act PDF File.  Click to download Adobe Acrobat Reader. (League of CA Cities)
The ABCs of Open Government LawsPDF File.  Click to download Adobe Acrobat Reader. (Institute for Local Government)
Homeowners' Association Elections
Political, YES! Partisan, NO! - webinar recording and PDF of slidesPDF File.  Click to download Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Links to Other Websites
LWVUS: members only site studies, task forces, advocacy, education campaigns
LWVUS: request action on an issue at the national level
LWVUS: Truth in Campaign Advertising
LWVUS: Young Professionals Task Force
Past LWVC events: Convention 2017, Convention 2015, Council 2014, Convention 2013, Council 2012, 2012 Northern CA Regional Workshop, 2012 Southern CA Regional Workshop, Convention 2011 public page, logos, presentations and handouts, Regional Workshops 2010, Council 2010, Convention 2009, Council 2008
Communications Resources from LWVUS & LWVC
ListServes and e-Newsletters you can sign up for and promote
Communications Committee: this is a closed yahoo group just for committee members
For your newsletter and Web Site: Ads, articles, images IMPORTANT
New League Easy Web (LEW) and the current (older) LEW help site
Logos - LWVUS issued this cover letter and memo from their legal counsel.
Media Handout from Convention 2009 PDF File.  Click to download Adobe Acrobat Reader. and Media Advisory Template (.doc format)
Mission Minded has a variety of communications tools, templates, and guides
Online Communications Resource Sheet (including guidelines) PDF File.  Click to download Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Press Release Template (.doc format) and LWVC Public Statements
Social Media Guidelines: Facebook GuidelinesPDF File.  Click to download Adobe Acrobat Reader. and Twitter GuidelinesPDF File.  Click to download Adobe Acrobat Reader. for State and Local Leagues
Style GuidePDF File.  Click to download Adobe Acrobat Reader. fonts, logos, colors, and formatting we suggest you use
Videos: Tips and Advice
Webinar Library: Persuasion, Marketing, E-Newsletters, Writing for the Web (the new link is: http://www.nonprofitmarketingguide.com/resources/lwvc/ and the password islwvc)
Nonprofit Marketing Guide discount: use coupon code lwvc for a 20% discount
LWVCEF YouTube ChannelYouTube Channel for LWVC Education Fund
LWVCEF YouTube ChannelYouTube Channel for LWVC General Fund
Facebook logo blue circle with white fontpages for LWV California, CAvotes.org, SmartVoter.org, group for 100 years of women voting in CA anniversary


Local League Information Form

Please have one person in your League complete the Local League Information Form before July 31.


Make It Fair 

Background information about
Make It Fair and Proposition 13.


My League Online (MyLO)

Ready to upgrade your website and join the My League Online (MyLO) family?
Get started here: lwvc.org/mylo


Voter's Edge California Communications Toolkit

Add the VEC ballot lookup widget to your website.

Use the VEC toolkit to promote VEC and order your VEC bookmarks in English and Spanish.


Free Communications Training for All Members

Check out our fun, interactive, and practical three-part communications training series made especially for you by the Nonprofit Marketing Guide and League Easy Web (LEW)? All of our webinars are online now.


Higher Ed Study Info

View our new position on Higher Education. View the study documents posted here.


Promote the Guide to California Government!

Communications & Outreach Toolkit (including images to use) and Bulk Order Form


Check out our Voter Service webinar:

Strategies for Reaching Spanish Speaking Communities


Visit the League Clearinghouse!

Jump start your League program review and planning for spring annual meetings by visiting the League Clearinghouse. The Clearinghouse provides scope and focus of a topic, research methodology, sources consulted, information about positions, and consensus questions. 
Note: the Clearinghouse accepts positions without studies, even as multi-position documents, if they are accompanied by a single submission form. Complete studies are preferred, and Leagues may add study documents at a later date. Share your studies! Share our strength! Just a click away: http://clearinghouse.lwv.org


Download Adobe's Acrobat Reader Many links on this site are to PDF filesPDF File.  Click to download Adobe Acrobat Reader.. Click on the PDF icon to download Adobe's Acrobat Reader (free).

Contact LWVC Communications Director with questions or comments.
The files or Web pages stored here are intended to be used only by members of the League of Women Voters. We are not intending to publicize the name of this directory (lwvonly) or the files contained herein to the general public. We have also "asked" search engines (like Google and others) not to look at any files in this directory. No "public" page should ever link to this one. Bookmark now to make it easy to return here!!!

© Copyright. League of Women Voters of California.